Should Government Open Electronic Markets?

There are many people in the City of Lights, who are currently facing issues with their electronic devices. But the markets are closed. What now?

Since the lockdown all over the world, especially in Karachi, there are many issues that people have been facing lately. The primary issues, yet the major ones, are being faced by daily wagers. Those who used to earn on daily basis, have no where to go and earn now, amid the lockdown. However, NGOs in the country are trying their level best to help them out by providing them food. The government is also doing its part by helping them out. The government took a really big step and provided every family with three thousand rupees. If the government wouldn’t have helped them out by giving three thousand, the families would have died of hunger.  The issue on secondary basis are being faced by those who are having temporary issues at home. Mostly those who are having issues with their electronic devices.

In this lockdown, there is no movement on roads, but people are following their same routine virtually. People are working online through laptops, cellphones, & other electronic devices. And if one has an issue in either of these, he/she has no where to go. The markets are closed, the shops have been shut down and there is no place one can go to repair their products.

Since the last couple couple of weeks, the electronic markets in Karachi have been closed amid lockdown. While taking the usual precautions, the government should atleast open the market for few hours, once or twice a week. This would keep the business flow, as well as, would help people repair or buy new products, respectively.

But for now, it doesn’t seem government is taking any step and would take such in the coming future. All we can do is pray for this coronavirus to end as soon as it can.

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