Signs that Show You are an Introvert

There are two types of people in this world, introverts and extroverts. This article highlights some of the signs that indicate you are an introvert.

There are two types of people who make up this world, one are introverts and the others are extroverts. Extroverts tend to be more out going and out spoken. They usually live of other people’s energy. They dislike being alone and enjoy the company of others. However, introverts tend to be different then extroverts. This article highlights some of the traits that help single out whether you are an introvert or not.

You Love Solitude:

The biggest give away that you are an introvert is that you love spending time alone. People enjoy spending their weekend nights alone reading a book or watching their favourite shows on Netflix. Which ever activity an introvert engages in, they like doing it alone. They do not like being bothered or surrounded by people. They prefer their solitude immensely.

Some of us love to spend most of our times alone. (Source: Life Optimizer)

You Hate Being In A Crowded Setting:

One of the biggest indicators of you being an introvert, is your disdain of being in a crowded setting. For many introverts, they dislike being in a scenario where they are surrounded by people they have not met. What makes them hate such a situation even more is being forced to talk to the very same people who they do not have much commonality with. In such a scenario, they would rather be alone in their comfort zone.

Crowded settings such as parties tend to be something people dislike a lot. (Source: Travel Republic)

You Hate Being Fake When Making Friends:

One thing that introverts hate the most is pretending to be someone they are not in order to be friends. For many introverts, they dislike the notion of trying to change who they are or faking who they are to seek validation and acceptance. They also hate faking who they are in order to gain greater connections for business purposes. If you too detest being someone you are not, it is more likely that you are an introvert.

For many introverts being fake is something they detest. (Source: Fortune)

You Detest Small Talk:

If there is one thing that introverts hate the most is that they detest engaging in short and meaningless conversations. Nothing detests them more than having to engage in short pointless conversations that usually end awkwardly. If you are one of those people who detest small talks, then its most likely that you are an introvert.

For many introverts, small talk is the worst. (Source: Preply)
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