Tariq Jamil Blames ‘Immodest Women’ for Pandemic, Apologizes Later On

During a live telethon before Ramadan, Tariq Jamil makes dua and also blames immodest women for the spread of coronavirus. However, he apologized later on.

During a live telethon, Maulana Tariq Jamil, a religious scholar who is highly valued for his views, blatantly blames immodest women for the global pandemic. He said that ‘behaya’ women are a national issue after lying and fraud. Ever since the live telethon, he has been bashed for his words and also been reminded about his previous lectures where he sexualized women.

Earlier, a video of him surfaced the internet where he talks about virgin women, hoors provided to pious men who enter heaven as a reward. He goes on and talks about the bodies of hoors, which will be visible even after wearing a hundred layers of clothing.

Maulana Tariq Jamil has been trending on Twitter. The nation is divided as many of his followers believe that he did not say anything wrong. However, many did call him out over his words which had hurt sentiments of many women. A PTI lawmaker, Maleeka Bokhari, did not shy away from calling Tariq Jamil through a tweet.

Maleeka Bokhari tweeted:

“The spread of a Pandemic must NEVER & UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES be correlated or linked to a woman’s piety or morality. It is danger to make this correlation as violent crimes against women/girls continue to take place with impunity.Further ostracization can make it more complex.”

Other users are also not happy about what he said.



To be honest, I am furious as well. Why do men (not all) point fingers at women whom they do not find religious enough? Everyone has free will and the right to choose however they want to live their lives. If men can do it, so can women. Why do women have to be accused of natural disasters? I respect religious scholars and their views, they have every right to spread the light of our beautiful religion, however, demeaning someone like that is baseless. Maulana Tariq Jamil should definitely choose his words carefully because he is followed by many people in Pakistan. Our people will not question such molvis out of fear and this will only spread more hatred.

However, Tariq Jamil has apologized to Pakistanis through Twitter. He tweeted:

“I sincerely apologize if my conversation has offended any individual or department.”

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