The Beneficiaries of Lock Down in Karachi

Where on one place the lock down is effecting those earning daily wages, there on the other hand few people are taking advantage of this lock down.

Like the rest of the world, even Pakistan is on a lock down. And this lock down is because of the ongoing coronavirus that has been destroying the whole of the world. And in order to save people from being infected with the disease, governments have taken measures to keep people at home. However, due to this lock down people, who used to earn on daily basis are being severely effected. They used to earn that day, and feed their families with the same money they used to earn. And even those, who are earning good, are becoming a victim of this coronavirus.

However, the robbers in Karachi are taking complete advantage of this situation. Where the security officials in Sindh are busy locking down the whole city, the robbers are benefiting out of the situation. According to sources, there have been several robberies reported in Federal B Area, Karachi. The thieves looted houses, early in the morning. However, after the robberies, Police has been patrolling the area.

If we see prior to this, there have been several looting stories that we come across on social media. Lately, there was a group which was stealing panels from Aqua cars in Karachi. Moreover, there are people who are being mugged on the roads. Although, the Police is working with their utmost potential during corona outbreak, they should also focus on such activities.

Moreover, we as citizens should be really careful during lock down. Especially, while opening gates for our maids or laundry boys. You never know when these robbers might seek their chance and enter your homes. Look out, stay alert, and stay safe. Not only from these robbers but also from this corona virus pandemic.

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