The Illuminati Uncovered

Is the Illuminati a hoax or does it really exist? if so what are they and why are they in hiding?

Today we will be discussing one of the biggest Conspiracy theory that has existed for a long time which that the Illuminati exists and is taking over the world. We’ll begin with the common question that what is Illuminati?

What is The Illuminati?

The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically. Illuminati is a name that originally refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, which is an Enlightenment-era secret society that was founded in 1766 by a German with the name of  Adam Weishavpt, sir Weishpaut was inspired by the French Philosophy that was secularism and Rational Thought, Sir. Adam wanted to protect those beliefs but since he was poor and could not afford to join the Freemasons and henceforth made his own society by the name, The Order of Illuminati which means the Enlightened ones, by 1780’s having and being a part of any form of secret society was made illegal and Illuminati disappeared from the face of the earth or so we thought?

What Do They Exist?

The Illuminati goals are self-knowledge, Self Improvement, Social Reform and Freethought, Illuminati was an anti-religious stance, after it went into hiding there have been many times throughout the history people have claimed that the Illuminati is part of the disturbance, in 1920 facists believed the Jews to be Illuminati, after world war II anti-communists believed the communists to have ruled the Illuminati and present-day Conspiracy theorists believe that Illuminati is part of the New World Order.

What Is Their Agenda?

Through time Conspiracy Theorists believe that the Illuminati has taken a darker path, the Illuminati has become a satan worshipping occult that’s plan is to create one ruling government The New World Order that will take the controls of the whole world and rule them all. One of the most common theory states that the fastest way for the Illuminati to take control over the minds is through media and the platform they have used for decades now is the music industry, Occult symbolism is found in many of the concerts, music videos, and merchandises. some of the most common symbols are the pyramids, the all-seeing eye, the eye of Horus, the numbers 6 and 13, and many more. what do they mean, the most common element found states that they are all related to the satan and satan worshippers then why do these pop celebrities use such symbols in their videos? Is it because they are trying to tell us something, or are they sending us subliminal messages?

Who Is In The Illuminati?

It is said that pop stars like Beyonce, J-Zay, Drake, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Kanye West and many more are part of the New World Order, they are being used as puppets by the Illuminati to get their message across, and to dull the minds of the youth and everyone else so they can easily manipulate and   brainwash their minds and make them their slaves. These celebrities sell their souls to the devil in return of fame, money, and power. The Illuminati is stated to have 18 bloodlines one of them includes the Kenndy, yup the former U.S president Kennedy and his family are related, it is said that Taylor Swift is from the many bloodlines and a descendant of one of the Illuminati worshipper (her 

obsession over the number 13 does give the story a bit of a leverage) Beyonce and J-Zay are the top members of the Illuminati and that Blue Ivy is the next in line to rule them. Kanye West stated in one of his songs “I sold my soul to the devil, This game you could never win, Cause they love you then they hate you then they love you again.” They’re many other famous artists, from old to new. One of their initiating processes includes public shaming to see how you handle the situation at hand, there are many celeb moments like the Taylor Swift and Kanye West moment, and a lot of other.

The Illuminati has its headquarters located all around the globe, anyone can take part and be in the Illuminati they even have a headquarters in Pakistan, in Karachi as well. Do check out these Conspiracy Theories online and let us know what you think about them?