The Latest Incident of Online Moral Policing

Online moral policing is a problem in Pakistan. The latest incident involving Fahad Mirza and Sarwat Gillani indicate how the issue is getting out of hand.

Online moral policing is becoming a major problem in our country. The rise of social media has made it possible for people to say whatever they feel like. It has given them the power to dictate how others live their lives. This can be seen with the current controversy surrounding Fahad Mirza and Sarwat Gillani.

The married couple were on a European holiday, where they took a picture of themselves kissing one another in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome. They proceeded to share the picture on Instagram. This prompted a major backlash from the Pakistani public. Here is one example of someone reacting hostilely to the incident;

However, since the controversy began there have been many who have taken to social media in support of the couple. The more open minded people of our country lambasted what they believe to be the nonsensical issue of online moral policing. Many of them believe that people should have no right to criticize how others live their life. Here are some of the tweets in support of the couple;

The issue of online moral policing is not uncommon in our country. It was only last year that Iqra Aziz and Yasir Hussain created a massive uproar courtesy of a video shared online of the couple’s public proposal at the Lux Style Awards. The couple were met with a barrage of criticism from the masses who deemed their behaviour to be immoral and obscene.

Ayesha Omar was also another victim of online moral policing. The actress was lambasted online for sharing photos of her trip to Ibiza. The sheer amount of negative comments prompted her to make her Instagram account private.

The issue of online moral policing is an indication of an intolerant and regressive society. If this country is to ever progress, the first thing its people need to do is let others live their lives. Stop enforcing people to live according to your standard. Let people be free to do whatever they feel like. Only then will our society progress and become more tolerant.

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