The Police is to be Monitored Now

Sindh Police is to set up cameras on every Police Official. Why is that so?

Karachi, being a metropolitan city, has been lacking in many things. And that counts in our security forces, especially. Their credibility has been questioned quite a lot of times. Karachi Police has been alleged of being involved in different crimes. And that brings a stain over their accountability at different places. Be it being involved in a crime or some illicit activities, Police is also answerable to their higher authorities. Nevertheless, there should be something to monitor their activities too. And not only their activities, but also their’s whom they arrest in different cases.

So as to end this unacceptable complaints, the higher officials have taken a decision. A surveillance program is being launched where the Police Officials will be wearing a body-cam. Whether they be at a snap-checking or hold up people during raids, it is all to be recorded. National Radio Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) is in talks with the Higher Police Authority. Once the deal is finalized, hundred body-cams will be sent to Karachi, to start the first phase of the campaign.

According to a source of Dawn News “The next phase of project is the procurement of gadgets. Initially, it’s been planned only for 100 units in Karachi. According to the plan, the officers posted at different checkposts conducting search operations and duties of special events would be monitored primarily at the command and control centre at the Central Police Office but the access can also be offered at any permanent or temporary operation rooms.”.

It is a good initiative in a city like Karachi. Such city requires surveillance 24/7 and has to be in the best of hands to be safe for everyone. It is yet to see when does this plan hits Karachi. And when it does, it surely is going to be helpful.

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