The Riots of New Delhi Against Muslims

Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) rights have taken a drastic turn in India's Capital, New Delhi. Many Muslims have lost their life in the new riots that rose earlier on Monday.

Since the submission and announcement of CAB got viral, the Muslims of India lost their patience. All they had demanded was for equal minority rights in India. In a country, where they grew up, they earned and settled and considered their homeland, all they differed was in religion. The Indians, mostly, are following the Hindu Religion, whereas the the Muslim minority are following Islam. The acceptance of Muslims in India is moving towards a closure. Especially because of radical Hindus prevailing in the country.

Recently, on Monday, started a clash between those protesting for and against CAB, respectively. The clash turned in to an unstoppable riot. These riots took turns that not even the government was foreseeing. The security of the entire country was busy patrolling Donald Trump, who was on a two-day visit to India. The clashes started, which resulted in 20 deaths and more than 120 people wounded.

Situation in the country worsened when these radical Hindus burnt down a mosque located in Ashok Nagar, New Delhi. A video went viral all over the internet that showed how a Hindu extremist climbed up the mosque and brought down everything, just to place India’s flag.

The Hindu extremists have been targeting Muslims, just for the sake of beating them up. The Muslims were being ordered to chant ‘Jai Shiri Ram’. Moreover, they are asked to keep asking for freedom. Another video went viral on the internet. It showed several men being beaten up, who don’t look in a really good condition.

An Indian Journalist, Nidhi Razdan, shares her experience of the riots too.

Nevertheless, seeing the worsening situation, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan tweeted saying,

Regardless of the internal matters, we are proud of our leadership on such controversial matters, internationally.

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