The Top Asian Restaurants in Karachi

Are you in the mood for a change? Something oriental and filling? We've got you covered; make sure to check out the top Asian restaurants in Karachi!

We’ve all had days where we’re craving for something specific yet filling. Or sometimes you want to explore new cuisines, try out the food around town; if you’re looking for a change of tastes and some cuisine to try out, something different from our everyday desi cuisine- then make sure to check out the top Asian restaurants in Karachi!

Asian cuisine is a vast term; here in Pakistan, when one hears Asian cuisine, they think Chinese- this is not the case at all, Asian cuisine is merely an umbrella term and it withholds many distinct cuisines within it such as Central Asian, East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Pan Asian, etc. It includes Chinese food but is not limited to it.

If you’re in the mood for some mouth-watering Asia food, here’s a list of the top Asian restaurants in Karachi:


Located at Tipu Sultan, Cocochan is a Thai, Chinese, and sushi restaurant. With its diverse menu and beautiful interior, it will give you the experience of a lifetime. Cocochan is one of the top Asian restaurants in Karachi, the interior alone is praiseworthy; if you want good Asian cuisine as well as great sushi, this is the place!

Seasoned to perfection for a delectable flavour.#Cocochan

Posted by Cocochan on Tuesday, September 29, 2020


This Pan Asian restaurant is relatively new but has quickly made its place in the market. It is one of the top Asian restaurants in Karachi; Miyako is one of the best choices if you want to try something new and out of the ordinary. They also have an all you can eat sushi deal on Tuesdays for all you Sushi fanatics!

Posted by MIYAKO on Tuesday, September 29, 2020


There’s no hiding the fact that Ginsoy is probably one of the top Asian restaurants in Karachi; it is also the most visited Chinese restaurant in Karachi. Ginsoy has been in the game for quite some time and has proven to be the very best with their expert quality and taste of food, and the fact that it doesn’t leave you bankrupt after a meal is what appeals to the people!

A flavorful fix for a stressful day is just a call away!03-111-GINSOY(446769)#Ginsoy #ExtremeFlavors #OrderNow

Posted by Ginsoy – Extreme Chinese on Friday, July 17, 2020


TAO, the famous Pan Asian cuisine restaurant, is located in phase 6; it is a dream come true for all you Pan Asian cuisine lovers! The precision of taste and quality at TAO is matchless. They’re one of our top Asian restaurants in Karachi, given their stunning services and products! If you want to try something new or want to visit a Pan Asian place, we would recommend TAO without a doubt.

Posted by TAO – Pan Asian Cuisine on Saturday, June 27, 2020

P.F Chang’s:

This is an international chain which has recently opened up in Karachi, P.F Chang’s is known as one of the best Asian restaurants in Karachi; their food and service are impeccable. Even though they may be a little on the pricier side, we can guarantee that the food is worth every penny!

Sliced to complete perfection! You just can't get enough. The tender, delicious and extremely craveable, Mongolian Beef. #PfchangskarachiFor Reservations & queries : 042 111 PFC 333

Posted by P.F. Chang's Karachi on Monday, October 7, 2019

It is always refreshing to try out new dishes and new cuisines; one must always experiment out of their comfort zones and explore new options so that you don’t get bored quickly.

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