The Unspoken Crisis That Looms Over Pakistan

A massive crisis that is not getting the media attention it deserves, the water crisis poses as a major threat to the survival of Pakistan's population.

A massive crisis looms over Pakistan. It is a crisis that seeks to threaten the survival of our nation. It is a crisis that is bigger than any corruption case in Pakistan. What I am referring to is the looming water crisis that is set to destabilize the nation.

It is a crisis that should be talked about in length throughout the mainstream media in Pakistan but barely gets any coverage. Many humanitarian reports suggest that by 2025, Pakistan will face a complete shortage of water, affecting the lives of countless people living in the country.

It is an unspoken crisis that can affect Pakistan severely, in particular its agricultural sector. Since much of Pakistan’s economic contribution comes from the agricultural sector and many of Pakistan’s exports are agricultural goods, the lack of water can be catastrophic for Pakistan’s economy.

The lack of water in the near future could be damaging for Pakistan’s energy sector as lack of water in the Mangla and Tarbela Dam could lead to reduction in hydroelectric power supply. Lack of water supply can also lead to a huge loss of wildlife and plant species, thereby hampering the biodiversity of the country.

There are many factors that attribute to the growth of the issue. One such factor is the rapid growth in Pakistan’s population. The current population growth rate makes it highly difficult to provide water to every single person in society. Another issue is the lack of political will.

With an inefficient government like ours, it comes as no surprise that the government is not doing much to help resolve the issue or trying to take initiatives to tackle the issue. The current and previous governments have not built enough dams to help with the storage of water.

Despite the looming crisis upon us, much can be done to mitigate its effects. For instance, urging stakeholders to lobby the government to construct more dams. Another effective way of tackling the issue is education. By educating the masses about the importance of saving water and the looming crisis ahead of us, less water would be wasted and people will become more aware about how to better consume water.

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