5 things every desi aunty likes commenting about!

Weddings are those grand occasions in life where you’ll have an overdose of drama, masti, and sparkle. We as a whole love to be at the weddings. The dancing, the dhol, and the shor sharaba are pleasant however it accompanies some irritating/amusing remarks from the relatives. Particularly, aunties, you haven’t met in the longest time. They are the most inquisitive and you will in all likelihood be hearing a portion of these awesome useful tidbits.

They are the meethi churi kind of people. From having a conclusion about everything to being judgemental, taken after with a “khair, humey kya?” (Anyway, why do we care?), they will get on your nerve.

You have to prepare yourself to witness a portion of the compliments they say:-

1- Beta ab bas tum bhe Shaadi karlo

Presently, now that you are of ‘the age’ it is likely that you hear this each and every day. Nope, it doesn’t make a difference that you just got graduated from your school or university and are looking forward towards your dream job, Shok poora karliya? Bus ab Shaadi karlo.

The manner in which these aunties respond to when you say that you don’t plan on getting hitched before long make it seem like you have carried out a wrongdoing. Additionally, they make it seem like you will end up dying if you don’t get hitched RIGHT NOW.

2- Tum ne weight put on karliya hai 

Now if you are a little healthy, you will hear every single aunty disclosing to you that you have put on weight at each family assembling. Since murdering your self-confidence is their specialty best.

Be that as it may, on the off chance that you are thin, you are probably going to hear “Hayee, kitni kamzoor hogayi ho.”

3- Koi good news hai?

Fortunately, in the event that you have crossed the time of being single and are cheerfully hitched; the following inquiry you are shelled with ideal from the first day into the marriage is about having children.

Furthermore, on the off chance that you say that not all that early, unquestionably you will confront a portion of the fatal articulations from them.

For them, its a life and death situation…again.

4- Beta khana bana leti hogi na?

Okay, so what if you don’t know cooking?

Aren’t we getting married?

Or will ‘The Society’ accept us?

There are young ladies who don’t like cooking and living in this day and age, we think it is totally alright in light of the fact that the world does not spin around that. There are different things we can do.

But then, ‘Susral wale kiya kahenge?’

5- Itni kaali hogai ho

If you have a dull complexion, then you need to start working on it.

Beauty is tied in with being Gora.

Being fair skinned in Pakistan is essentially the end all and be all of being excellent. On the off chance that you happen to invest excessively much energy in the sun, don’t be shocked in the event that you get any “Rishtay kaise ayein gae?!” remarks.

Because people demand a Gori Bahu!

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