Transgender community has been suffering because of our negligence

By: Shiekh Waqas

Thank you Fajer Rabia Pasha for hosting us for this grand iftar event.

Thanks to Dia Hasan for your continuous support and doing everything from buying everything to packing and then delivering it. And thanks Samar Hasan for coming.

Yesterday I had an iftar with more than 40 people from our transgender community. I had this opportunity to hear from them, listen to their problems and how society treats them and how can we move forward as equals…

I have always believed that we cannot progress as a nation unless we understand our responsibilities towards our fellow humans. Transgender community has been suffering and that’s because of our negligence. They became beggers and dancers and body sellers because we never accepted them as our people, because we never treated them as humans.

I think that time is over now and this is new “Ebtida” for the whole transgender community. I see a bright future for them to be working with us in our offices as equal and respected members and citizens of Pakistan. I have seen a great change during past few months where my friends are doing amazing things for this community. Kudos to Madeeha Raza who made a mini documentary that went viral and touched the hearts of hundreds and thousands of people.

Let’s join hands and start a new journey together.

#Ebtida #ChangeTheClap #Responsibility