Turning Words Into A Reality

UN Women Pakistan has collaborated with the Handicap International Organization as a means to provide disabled women a platform where they are able to express themselves as active individuals of the society. Jamshed M. Kazi who is the current Country Representative in the UN Women has worked for women rights for a long time, he considers himself a feminist and believes in the equal rights that is a necessity for all.

Leave No one Behind is a campaign originally started in 2015, the campaign was originally brought forth by the former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon. The initial goal of the campaign is to make sure that no one is left behind, the goal is meant for people of not just a single race or ethnicity but, for all. The goal is set to be delivered by 2030 as of yet.

This is a long term movement that seeks to provide comfort to the victims and give them a platform to voice their story and fight for their right themselves. Since 2016 the campaign has touched many taboo and unspeakable issues that at times are frowned upon still. As of recent the campaign has shifted its focus on women with disabilities and their fight for equality. Pakistan in this aspect has taken a huge initiative at stepping on the forum of women equality in different walks of life.

The event was held in Islamabad, where people from different organizations came and contributed in helping raise the voice of those oppressed due to their disability, kids and adults all joined in on the event to make it more spectacular and awe-inspiring, motivational speeches were given by people of name and the event closed itself on a note that held hope and high expectations for the future to come.