US Enters South China Sea

What China claims to be its territory, the South China Sea, USA keeps meddling in from time to time, entering the territory.

According to the International rules, a country has power over sea that lies under the radius of 200 nautical miles from baseline. However, China has been exceeding that limit for quite long now. China claims that the sea that lies south, is all their territory. However, Malaysia, Taiwan, Beirut, Philippines and Vietnam also claim the same. To make sure it stays under China’s regime, China has build artificial islands and has installed its force there, as to secure the entire area. China’s biggest threat in the vicinity is the US, who keeps in meddling from time to time. They say, its to keep a check and balance, however, we all know that is not the case.

In the last week, two US warships entered the borderline territory sketched by the Chinese. What US called “Freedom of Navigation Operations”, China called it “Flexing muscles”and “adding new uncertainties”. “We urge (the United States) to stop these provocative actions to avoid any unforeseeable accidents,” the spokesman for China’s Southern Theatre Command said in a statement. Following, a Chinese Spokesman said “Wei urged Esper to “stop flexing muscles in the South China Sea and to not provoke and escalate tensions in the South China Sea”.

US and China have been always on the brink of war. Financially and Economically, both the powers have been fighting for long. Evidently, it is China, who always stays a hand forward of USA. When it comes to military, both the countries try hard to deter one another. However, USA keeps hands on much more weaponry than China, apparently.

If USA keeps on meddling in South China Sea, it might lead to war, with almost whole of the world being effected by it, directly and indirectly.

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