USA – China Trade Resumes

United States and China have been involved in a trade war since long, and now they are resuming trade talks with positive vibes.

This year, the G20 Summit took place in Osaka, Japan and one of the to-be-pondered topics for the countries present there was the relations between China and United States and how would they carry on their relationship in regards to trade between the countries.

Trade relations between China and US have been on the hook always. Recently, the world was on fire when Google took away its OS from Huawei mobile phones and people didn’t react much positively to this news. This did seem like a personal matter between Huawei and Google, however if one looked at a broader aspect, they could clearly tell it was due to the Economic war at present.

However, on Saturday, Donald Trump and Xi were expected to meet and discuss the issues between the countries. According to Al-Jazeera “The tone was largely positive from the various world leaders, [and] China was less positive. Just a more negative tone [from China]”. Trump, told media yesterday “We’ll see what happens tomorrow. It’ll be a very exciting day, I am sure. It’s going to come out hopefully well for both countries”.

Today after the meeting, Donald Trump came out with a positive vibe saying “We had a very good meeting with President Xi of China. I would say excellent. We are right back on track.” In the meeting it was decided that “at least for the time being” no sanctions will be imposed on Beijing’s tariff and Trump was quite inclined towards negotiating with China.

Not to forget that on the other hand, China has refused to hold back import of oil from Iran, which also is stuck in an issue, The Nuclear Issue, over which the countries under F5+1, except USA, met in Vienna.

In case the countries want to continue trade, they would have to do it sincerely, which isn’t quite how Trump works. His changing moods and his indefinite decisions always land him or the other country in trouble. It was him only, who brought in the issue between Huawei and Android, and now working back together might still bring inconvenience to the countries at some point or other.

What have you got to say over this?