Visionaries 3.0 by eMagine

Visionaries 3.0 is an event hosted by eMagine that trains students and then provides a platform where they can showcase their ideas which will revolutionize the world.

The world is progressing day by day towards technology. We’re seeing many new tech related things which are making our life easier and also helping us solve many problems. There’s not doubt in the fact that we, as humans, have progressed and come a long way. We’ve solved many of the world’s problems which were created by us but that didn’t stop us from finding a solution. Similarly, eMagine in Pakistan is working and striving every day to train and educate the new generation. Visionaries is an event that they host which enables students to showcase their ideas.

Visionaries 3.0

The vision that eMagine has is to benefit the country and the world in the near future. Their goal is to find the potential brainiacs who just need a little encouragement and some training to bring out their best selves. This new generation will at some point become the leaders in future hence, it’s crucial to prepare and nourish them. Their team has come up with brilliant ideas on how to train these students and introduce a path. A path that they can follow and eventually succeed in.

Visionaries is an event hosted by eMagine where students from different schools come together to present their ideas. The ideas need to be different and something that would help in eventually solving the world’s problems. They have already done two successful editions of this event previously and this year it’ll be the third edition. Young minds get trained and then get a chance to present their ideas in front of a panel.

This time our participants will be dealing with a whole set of challenges as they strive for the title of being the most innovative visionary of the year! These challenges will include:

– Rapid Prototyping:

Making use of Tom Chi’s ‘Rapid Prototyping’ methodology students will be given a kit of unknown items such as card paper, batteries, markers, tape, etc. to develop simplistic models to support their presentations.

– Working With Lego Bricks:

Participants will also be given access to Lego bricks to build basic structures that can further provide
support for their ideas during their presentations.

The ideas may seem quite far fetched at times but nothing is impossible if one puts their heart and mind to it. It may be the key to revolutionizing the world in the future. This event will definitely ensure that all the participants think outside the box. It’s happening on the 21st of September in Karachi.

Check out their website for more information:

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