What Actually Happened To Nimrita’s Case?

According to police, Final post-mortem report says Larkana student Nimrita was sexually assaulted, murdered

Final post-mortem reports of Nimrita Amarta Maher Chandani , BDS last year understudy at Bibi Aseefa Dental College (BADC). She was discovered dead in her inn room in Larkana in September — says that she was raped before her death and died due to the deprivation of oxygen.

Police Surgeon Dr Qarar Ahmed Abbasi told Dawn that according to the final post-mortem report, the Larkana student was “murdered by strangulation after rape”.

“The post-mortem opinion is clear but depends on a proper police investigation,” he said.

Police Surgeon Dr Abbasi, citing a observation in the report, said that it must be determined through circumstantial evidence whether Nimrita was strangulated or hanged. He said that the after death report noticed that the injury marks on the unfortunate casualty’s neck were “smaller in width”, which he stated, obviously indicated that that the injury wasn’t brought about by a dupatta; rather, it was brought about by a “rope-like thing or material”.

As indicated by a copy of the report, dated November 6, obtained by DawnNewsTV, Women Medical Officer of the Chandka Medical College (CMC) Hospital Larkana Dr Amrita, said that the wound marks of the injured individual’s neck show that her death was caused by “creating asphyxial signs”, which are delivered either by strangulation or hanging.

The report stated: “The constriction of the neck from outside by ligating material (narrower in width as self-explaining from ligature mark present on the neck to be compared to the recovered ligature with configuration of ligature mark-advised) has caused the death of deceased by producing asphyxial signs.”

“These signs are produced either from strangulation or hanging, to be ascertained on circumstantial evidence as (corroborative) i.e. that is at the scene of crime/others by state investigating authorities,” it read.

Dr Armita added: “That provisional DNA report of forensic and molecular biology laboratory LUMHS Jamshoro detected male DNA profile obtained from semen stains/sperm fractions from HVS and clothes indicates sexual act with deceased.”

Dr Abbasi included that the male DNA had affirmed that she was sexually assaulted. He said that a significant level forensic experts board from all over Sindh might be comprised to redress a portion of the flaws in the post-mortem and crime scene investigation.

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