What is Karachi Electric (KE) up to These Days?

Karachi Electric is the sole entity that delivers electricity to the whole city. But are they being loyal to their people? I doubt.

Being a poor country, Pakistan is trying to save up money through every single thing. And they also tried to lessen the burden on every single citizen. Hence, the government came up with an exciting idea of giving zero rupee electricity bills. The people were more than excited over this, less did they know what was waiting for them. And not to forget, there were only a few people who received 0 rupee bills, others had to pay the normal amount to KE. But the amount they didn’t pay, had to be compensated somewhere or other. Yeah, so they chose every single person of Karachi.

The bills, that the Karachiites received for June were more than bearable. Where one unit, on an average, was costing 18.29 Rs in May, there in June, the average cost per unit was 22.82 Rs. Where the Government Charges in May 2020 were 1,991.88 Rs, in June the charges rose up to 3,519 Rs. The rate per unit increased and the Duty on electricity also increased.

May 2020
June 2020

Regardless of the fact that the charges have increased to an unbearable amount, Karachi has been a victim of load shedding too, lately. Even if people are paying an amount more than the legit one, they also have to sit without electricity for hours.

Last year, KE was excessively criticized because of their unsafe wires. Monsoon is around the corner, yet there hasn’t been much reasonable work this year, where we can say, now people are safe. At one place, KE has been giving a 0 rupee bill. Then they have been charging excessively from people. Even then, people are unwillingly sitting hours without electricity.

Blame Game

Who is to be blamed here? KE, who is ruling over their monopoly in Karachi? Or the Federal Government, who earlier tore and set fire to a bill because it was more than 8 rupees per unit? It seems like the current government said things they shouldn’t have. It also seems like there should be a check on KE. In such times of crisis, all KE is doing is earning because of their monopoly.

Attached below are two pictures, from two different months, of the units, used, and the bill they received. On average, kindly look at the number of units in these two months and how much does one unit cost.


However, in KE’s defense, all billing is done as per regulatory guidelines. The tariff is uniform all over the country and the tariff is set by the regulator which is a federal body, and not KE.lGovt taxes applicable on the bill have nothing to do with KE. Load shedding is done in accordance with the national power policy which states that areas, where theft of electricity is prevalent, will face load shed, and this is a national policy.

It is for people to decide who is to be blamed here. Let us know in the comment section.

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