What’s New At McDonald’s?

We tried few new things at McDonald's and here what we think about them.

No matter where you go, you’ll always find McDonald’s nearby. Started as All-American joint, it has now transformed as internationally renowned fast food chain.

Talking about McDonald’s it is not just a fast food chain, it is more of a culture. Apart from the signature menu they also cater local taste varying from special burgers, chicken ranges, desserts and even soups on international menu.

We tried the infamous Oreo Waffle Cone and chicken range by the name of Jalapeño Fiesta in McDonald’s Pakistan. Here’s what we think about these new introductions to the menu.

mcdonalds pakistan- runway pakistan McDonald’s Jalapeño Fiesta:

If you’re a fan of spicy chicken and want to take it to the next level. This drool-worthy chicken range is perfect for the hunger pangs. Consisting of Jalapeño McBites, perfectly seasoned Jalapeño crispy chicken with flavorful dip and Jalapeño Spicy McCrispy burger will have you off the edge. This limited edition Jalapeño Fiesta chicken range took us by surprise.



mcdonalds pakistan- runway pakistanOreo Waffle Cones:

Chocolate Oreo and Strawberry Oreo Waffle Cones just made a comeback on their menu recently, so we had to get our hands on these. McDonald’s creamy signature ice-cream scooped into waffle cones with chocolate and strawberry syrup topped with Oreo chunks is as amazing and heavenly as it sounds. This chocolate waffle cone will most definitely beat the sweet tooth cravings.

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