Why blame women when even kids aren’t safe today.

We, in today’s society blame women, for wearing intimidating clothes. But what about those kids who don’t even know what harassment is?

Just yesterday a video went viral on internet, where a ‘maulvi’ was being beaten by a family, for harassing a 7 years old girl. This, so called, ‘maulvi’ used to come and teach the little girl Quran, the Holy Book for Muslims. And while doing so, he used to harass her and tell her not to tell anyone, and she being a little girl of only 7 years old, was afraid of telling anyone anything to anyone.

There was another incident, back in February, where a girl was sexually assaulted by a principle, in Kasur. And guess what? She was nine years old only, and went to the school to study. The mother of that little girl filed a complaint against the Principle, Fakhar Imam, who took the little girl to a room after school and tried harassing her.

Today, women is not safe, neither at school nor at home, nether in public space, nor alone. We have seen people fathers, brothers, uncles, teachers, molvis harassing and raping kids, especially girls just because they are full of lust.

A message to parents out there, that you should be aware of where your kids are, regardless of the gender, and in case your kid is sexually assaulted, please report to the police because that is what should be done at the end of the day.