Will the Citizens Protection Law Do More Harm Than Good?

Social media companies are instructed to register in order to carry out content regulation and monitoring under the citizens protection law, but will it do more harm than good?

The new law called the Citizens Protection law states that all social media companies such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok & Youtube are required to register within three months and establish their offices in Pakistan. This is meant to protect the citizens from any sort of harm and bullying.

These companies are also instructed to establish their separate data servers in Pakistan that will collect and store data. Any post or account found on these platforms violating the rules will be removed or blocked. Controlling data will become easier for the government. Anyone that “violates or affects the religious, cultural, ethnic or national security sensitivities of Pakistan” and is “involved in spreading of fake news or defamation” will be held accountable. Tracking anyone will become a piece of cake.

The question is, will this new Citizens Protection law do more harm than good? PM Imran Khan has sparked a major controversy and received backlash from not only Pakistan but also from other countries. Due to the new law, the state will have unlimited authority and power over social media. Although the law is to protect citizens from harm but there are no defined rules regarding what is considered as blasphemy.

The transaction of digital advertisement will also be monitored. This may hinder the digital economy to a great extent because of heavy regulations. Digital advertising has just started out in Pakistan and we’re progressing but such rules may make it hard for us to grow.

Nighat Dad, the owner of Digital Rights Foundation, said:

“The worrying part for me is that the definition around extremism, religion or culture is so wide and ambiguous and that means they have these unfettered power to call any online content illegal or extremist or anti-state, I do fear that this will be used against dissent, free speech and for political gains.”

The government was defending their stance at first but after the huge outcry; they have decided to review their policy. The policies should be in the national interest of Pakistan but without having to disrupt the digital economy and freedom of speech. We, as a nation, won’t be progressing.

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