Yemen Crisis Worsen With Time Due to Lack of Aid

Yemen has been a war zone for the Houthi Rebels and the Saudi backed Forces. This has mostly effected the people living in Yemen.

Since the year 2015, Yemen has been in a state of war between the Saudi-backed forces and the Houthi led forces. The war did not only ruin the economy of Yemen, but has also adversely affected the human lives there. Actually it is the human health that has been at most affected due to the war. Around 100,000 people have died and even more have been left homeless and displaced. This havoc has, moreover, brought in many different diseases in Yemen. And due to the conditions of the deteriorating Yemen, the health backup isn’t much reliable and isn’t available in vast quantity.

Yemen has also been relying heavily on aid, mostly due to the famine in Yemen, which is a result of war and diseases like cholera and COVID-19. But if we specifically talk about the current time, the whole world is in some sort of crisis or other. And the conditions of Yemen are worsening with time. They have come to a point that the UN is pleading countries to help Yemen out. According to UNHR Spokesman Rupert Colville “Now, more than ever, the country needs the outside world’s help, and it’s not really getting it”.


Recently, there were 41 UN programs supporting Yemen, through aid. However, 30 of them would close by the end of July, if they don’t receive an aid of around $ 2.4 bn. That is a lot of money, however, it is a basic requirement at the moment for the people of Yemen to live their lives. There is still a ray of hope for them, however, it seems to be dimming by time. May God save the souls.

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