Zakir Naik Strikes Again With Racial Remarks

Dr. Zakir Naik is famous for controversial talks and he strikes back again with some racial remarks which have put him in hot water!

Dr Zakir Naik is one of the most controversial people. He is an Indian Muslim who has migrated to Malaysia now where he has been granted permanent residency. He is a wanted man in India due to money laundering and his controversial speeches. New Delhi asked Malaysia to extradite him but the request was rejected.

He created his own TV Channel back in 2010 which has been barred from UK. Naik recently made racial remarks which has upset many people in Malaysia. He said that Hindus in Malaysia have 100 times more rights than Muslims minorities in India. He also said that Chinese Malaysians should be expelled before he was.

Interrogation was going on and he did apologize for his words. He said:

“It was never my intention to upset any individual or community. It is against the basic tenets of Islam, and I would like to convey my heartfelt apologies for this misunderstanding”

A lot of countries have already banned him from entering due to his controversial remarks. He can’t speak publicly in several countries. The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad, has mentioned that Zakir Naik is free to preach Islam but his remarks seemed to have taken a more political tone. He talked about sending the Chinese back to China which isn’t a religious thing from any aspect.

However, even after many apologies, he is in deep waters. He was with the police for 10 hours and giving statements regarding his remarks. He said that his remarks were being fabricated.

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