Zong Successfully Conducted 5G Trials

Zong has become the pioneer by successfully conducting 5G trials in Pakistan. It's a telecommunication company that has been growing very rapidly

Pakistan is slowly and gradually trying to compete with the world in technology. Zong has recently released it’s 5G and the trials took place on Thursday. Our technology is not as advanced as we’d like it to be but we’re getting there. The good news is that the trials were successful. Zong has now become the first telecommunications company to have tested 5G in Pakistan.

Posted by Zong on Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The event was attended by Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui, Secretary Information Technology and Telecommunication division on behalf of Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Maj. Gen. Amir Azeem Bajwa (Retd.), Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunications Authority and Dr. Wang Zhihua, Economic & Commercial Counsellor, Chinese Embassy, along with dignitaries from various government entities, telecom industry and the corporate sector.


Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui said:

I would like to take this moment in congratulating Zong for becoming the first Pakistani telecommunications operator to have successfully conducted the 5G trial and putting Pakistan on a short-list of countries which are 5G ready

Zong is becoming the pioneer in the industry of telecommunications as it’s striving to become better each day. With many innovations and advancements, they have made sure to bring Pakistan in the forefront so we’re not left behind. They believe that 5G will bring social and economic growth along with many livelihood opportunities within the country.

Pakistan is definitely advancing and has been adopting the digital lifestyle for over a decade now. It’s a proud moment for us as a nation to have a company like Zong that’s working towards the betterment of the technology.

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