Zubia Zainab | The Queen of Minimalism

Zubia Zainab is a designer who is passionate about her profession and has paved her way into the fashion industry of Pakistan.

Questions & Answers

  1. Out of all the professions, why did you choose to become a fashion designer?

When I was younger I used to see my mum design clothes, she used to have a small set up. We had workers come in our drawing room, had a designated store for her fabrics and materials so one day at the age of seven I made a random sketch and showed it to my parents that I want to get it made, instead of cajoling me, my parents asked me for the details from choosing the fabric to the type of embellishments and its colors. They got it made and my mum displayed it. The day I saw the outfit transforming from a seven-year-olds scribble to a wearable outfit, I knew I wanted to feel this happiness for the rest of my life hence, chose to become a fashion designer.

  1. Who is Zubia Zainab as a person? 

Zubia is an extroverted introvert who dared to dream big and worked towards it. 

  1. Who or what has been your inspiration? 

My mother Masooma Sibtain is my biggest inspiration. Watching her juggle a family and fashion design career like a pro to transitioning to someone who advocates gender-specific policy advocacy initiative and empowers women every day. I have seen her do justice with all three at once, never having a frown on her face.

  1. How would you describe your own fashion sense as? 

   I would describe it as minimal and graceful. Timelessness is key.

  1. What’s your thought process behind every design or collection?

The thought process starts when inspiration strikes, it comes naturally to me to be honest, I have always been fond of traveling and reading, so a lot of times, I would get inspired by something. I start researching and develop a process for the collection which will eventually lead to the fabric, silhouettes and embellishment selection. The specifics of the process for each design however vary.

  1. If you were to collaborate with one designer, who would it be and why?

I would have loved to have collaborated with Karl Lagerfeld, the man was an institution within himself with decades of revolutionizing the creative industry with a true vision. The world lost an icon when he passed away. 

  1. You’ve worked with many models, so far who has been the most fun to work with? 

 I have had an amazing experience with Mushk Kaleem, she is always extremely cooperative and professional, and of course extremely stunning.

  1. Tell us about one ongoing fashion trend that you love and one trend that you absolutely hate. 

I love how the traditional delicate embellishments have made a comeback; it was time for the Pakistani fashion to move on from chunky crystals and 3D embellishments. I have also never been a fan of ruffled dupattas.

  1. How has your experience been at PFDC L’Oreal Paris Bridal Week 2019? 

My experience PFDC has been absolutely surreal, being able to showcase among the biggest names and being mentored by Ms. Sehar Saigol and the extremely helpful team at PFDC was a dream come true. It was our debut and we’re humbled by the response we have gotten.

  1. What are your thoughts on people who copy designs, not your design in particular but just a general question? 

 For people who copy, it is someone else’s immense hard work they use and manipulate, It isn’t anything someone ethical should or would do but as they say, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and comes with the exposure, so we all learn to deal with it.   

  1. Any current projects that you’re working on and would like to tell us more about? 

Yes, we are really excited about our upcoming Heritage collection, it will be our take on the traditional bride but with a minimalist’s approach.

  1. How do you cope up with stress before any event comes up considering the ample amount of workload? 

Having a family as strong support system always helps; they cheer me up and try to help with stressful situations. Also, I try to make time to read for at least an hour as I am a big book worm and it is my form of escapism otherwise before any such major event you eat sleep and breathe your work.  

  1. If not a designer, what would you have become? 

I would have done something in international relations or gender-focused policymaking. I know these are completely different from the creative field that I am in currently, but they are two things that highly interest me. 

  1. Share a lesson that life has taught you. 

Setbacks are a part of life and it’s the little things that don’t go the way you them to that. The resilience to overcome them culminates in success eventually. 

  1. Any advice for all the readers who want to pursue this field? 

Fashion may seem all glitz and glamour but behind every glamorous image or outfit, there is weeks and months of hard work, blood, sweat and at times tears too. The fashion industry is approximately a four trillion dollar industry which would equate as the world’s seventh-largest economy in-terms of GDP if compared. So if someone is really passionate they should definitely do it and start with taking a professional education in this field if they can.

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At Runway Pakistan, we commit to providing a lifestyle magazine that focuses on variety more than just glamour. Covering a diverse range; from fashion to entertainment, to sports and health & fitness, business to lifestyle, and much more. Our print magazine named Billboard Pakistan and online publication as Runway Pakistan binds our expertise in social media, content development, publication, and production.
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