5 Things You Had No Idea Were Making You Breakout

Breakout sessions 2018!

Ever wondered the reason behind your sudden breakouts? There are plenty of hidden reasons as to why that may be happening, so get prepared to be shocked (and informed) at the same time.

Here are 5 reasons why that may be happening:

Your Smartphone

That little device that you love so much and hold very dear to your heart is actually the culprit here. Everytime you hold it against your ear, it touches your face and you have no idea how many germs are there on the screen. Also, do you know how many feces particles land on your smartphone scree when you take it to the restroom?

The fix? Get some sanitizing wipes and clean the screen often to prevent breakouts and get rid of those germs.

Too Much Coffee

Coffee really throws off your pH balance and causes inflammation on your skin. The fix to that would obviously be skipping coffee and settling for water or tea.


Your Foundation Is Too Thick 

Thick foundation basically clogs up your pores and causes sweat to build up underneath which in turn attracts dirt and that causes zits to grow out. The solution to that is using a lightweight foundation and always making sure that you take off makeup properly.

Lack Of Sleep

Do you often stay up late? Lack of sleep can really mess things up in your immune system and that can result in breakouts. When you’re scrolling through Instagram before bed, the rays from the screen affect your sleep pattern and that prevents you from falling asleep. To fall asleep, have a cup of tea to relax or read a book. Make sure to get your full 8 hours sleep.

Your Acne Products Are Drying Out Your Skin 

Just because you have oily skin doesn’t mean that you should dry it out. Using too many spot treatments is not the solution to prevents zits as they can really dry out your skin to a point that it causes bacteria to enter your pores.
