The Advancement of Karachi Police

We lack as a country at many places, especially in terms of advancements and technology. However, Karachi Police has taken a step forward for the Karachiites.

The security conditions of Karachi were not so good in the last couple of years. Street crime, theft, target killing and drug dealing was on its height. Karachi Police did its best to fight against all the crimes and was quite successful in eliminating criminal activities from the city. However, the people of Karachi are always intrigued about how competent the force was, and still is, to eliminate crime. Hence last year, when Karachi Police Chief, Dr. Amir Shaikh, took the position, he created a Facebook Page, Karachi Police Office, where all the arrests of the day are updated and uploaded, alongside all the positivity spread by the hard working Police Officers, all over the city.

The reason for the page is not to only show the goods and bad of the city but one can also register a complaint or can share a security issue regardless of the matter with the Police, through social media. Domestic Violence, Rape, Slavery, these are such issues where a person is, at times, bound with the restrictions on him/her. Accessibility to Facebook isn’t really hard nowadays, making reporting police easier for the people. Apart from this, they have also provided a WhatsApp number, in case of an emergency, where one can call or message with instant replies to his/her complaint. This also helps build confidence amongst people, in regards to the trust and faith they have in their security officials.

This is a great step by Karachi Police, who is always criticized regardless. Their hard work and their passion is left unseen when compared to all the policemen of the city. Yes, there are policemen who, still, might not be loyal to their job, but not to forget, there are only handful of such people. And in case you do see such policemen, you should again report them on the Facebook page so that actions should be taken against them.

One should never lose faith in their security officials, and if you have already lost faith, go like and follow the Facebook Page, Karachi Police Office, so that you get aware of how hard our Police strives to make this city as secure as possible.

Karachi Police Office:

Facebook Page:

WhatsApp: 0343 5142770