Altaf Hussain Behind Imran Farooq Murder, ATC

Although, it might not sound as something new, but according to Anti-Terrorism Court, MQM Leader Altaf Hussain, ordered Imran Farooq's Murder.

On 16th September 2010, Imran Farooq was killed on his way back home. Imran belonged to Pakistan’s Political Party, Muttahida Qaumi Movement. The party was made back in 1984, and Imran was one of the founding pillars of the party. Really close to the founder, Altaf Hussain, Imran was dear to the leader and the whole party. However, his deaths raised a lot of questions, as people wondered who can even murder him. The alleged thought instantly went on the party its self, but it seemed quite absurd. As how could one go to London and kill Imran on anyone’s order.

However, the case was launched and Pakistan Intelligence along with Scotland Yard worked on the murder. Data and evidences were collected, which were given to Pakistan in Feb 2020. On Thursday, June 18th 2020, Anti-Terrorism Court ruled against Altaf Hussain and his allies. According to the court “It is proved that Altaf Hussain ordered the killing of Dr. Imran Farooq. “The prosecution remained successful in proving the case against accused by producing confidence aspiring evidence. Case in hand is a fit one for awarding the death penalty. However, as an ordinance has been promulgated to amend Pakistan Penal Code 1860 whereby, in the cases where evidence is shared by a foreign country death penalty cannot be given,” the court ruled.

Nevertheless, as Altaf Hussain isn’t in Pakistan, no charges can be carried out against him. However, Syed Mohsin Ali, Moazzam Ali and Khalid Shamim are sentenced to life imprisonment. Mostly due to their planning and carrying out of Imran’s Murder. It is unsure of, if people still support MQM or Altaf Hussain, but the murder of Imran shouldn’t go in vain. May the deceased get complete justice from both the investigating agencies.

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