An Initiative to Remember: World Mental Health Day

The world observes World Mental Health Day today, we hope that through this article Pakistan is able to tackle the stigma against mental health.

Today, 10th October marks the day of the international day for worldwide mental health education, awareness, and advocacy against the social stigma. World Mental Health Day is practiced every year on this very day, it began as an initiative taken by the World Federation for Mental Health, and it aims to provide the people with an opportunity to express themselves, their work regarding mental health, and educating the people about its importance and urgency.

For us Pakistanis, mental health is a concept unknown. With more than half of the population living in denial that no such thing exists; it becomes rather difficult to establish World Mental Health Day. Although, more than half of the population in Pakistan is victim to mental health illnesses while the country still chooses to turn a blind eye to these incidents, the surge in suicide cases in 2020 proves this claim.

In more recent times, with the rise of the global pandemic; it has affected individuals greatly. Whether that is mentally or emotionally, the coronavirus has taken a toll on all of us especially with the sanctions of lockdowns worldwide and having to be disconnected from the outside world; it made day to day tasks harder, adopting this new online lifestyle has been tough on us all. This year’s World Mental Health Day has increased its campaign to focus on investing in mental health problems.

The World Health Organization has taken this opportunity to organize multiple online seminars to educate the public regarding their mental health. As an attempt to eradicate the social stigma attached to mental health, they aim to encourage people to embrace World Mental Health Day and talk about their issues and whatever they are going through.

Pakistanis need to accept that mental health is an ongoing issue for the citizens, and they should be encouraged to talk about their problems rather than be shushed and shamed for experiencing what they are experiencing. This World Mental Health Day let us promise to ourselves to be open about our problems and be open to actively seeking help and getting better.

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