APS Still Mourns the Lost Souls

It has been 5 years to the Army Public School attack, where several lives were lost including both students and teachers.

December 16 was not an easy day for the entire country, especially APS, Peshawar. When everyone was sleeping peacefully, armed militants of TTP attacked Army Public School. Not that TTP was not capable of attacking, but no one thought they could stoop so low. They entered the school and shot anyone who came in their way. From kids of age eight to the age of eighteen to twenty, all were killed. Not only the students, but the teachers were also attacked and killed. In total 149 people were martyred that day in one single attack.

What made it heart wrenching was the fact that children were shot in APS. Those who saw a bright future; those who wanted to join Pak Army; and those who had dreams to be fulfilled, all ended that one morning.

There were friends, three friends, who used to be together. When martyred, their mothers now meet and greet in memory of their sons who lost lives. “Our children may have departed but we want to keep their friendship alive through us, as Triangle Mothers,” said Afshan. “We talk to each other daily to remember our children and all things associated with them; the moments of happiness; their eid clothes, their school uniforms; their mischief, we remember them in all ways,” she added.

There were many other kids, like them, who are just a part of their parents memory. Here, below, the teacher narrates a story of how her son was martyred in the attack.

The filled auditorium, the empty classes, the crowded corridor and the loud canteen, all might be the same today in APS, but have seen the worst on 16th December 2014. It was the auditorium where the terrorists first entered and shot the students sitting there.

Tehreek e Taliban:

Tehreek e Taliban accepted the attack on APS saying if Army can attack our family, why can’t we attack their’s. Where there were six terrorists inside, they were being operated from a source, externally. Although, the six were killed by highly skilled SSG Commandos, yet the head of the attack has not been caught. Sadly, it was for the Army to bring the martyrs to justice. However, yet few might have been caught, but the head still remains free. There were initial arrests made, but no report has been presented by the judicial committee as promised.

Reactions on the Fifth Year Past APS

Many different political as well as social celebrities tweeted about the APS attack.

The President of Pakistan remembers the attack on APS.

DG ISPR saluted the family members of those martyred in the attack.

Bilawal Bhutto & Asifah Bhutto also tweeted about the incident.

Celebrities from Showbiz also played their part in remembrance of the attack.

It is a shame that terrorist like Ahsan Ullah Ahsan are still under police protection. We still demand justice for everyone who became a victim of the attack. Those martyred will not return but we just have to make sure, no more small coffins are to be carried by the people of Pakistan.

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