Austria Shuts Down Two Mosques Visited by Terrorist

In light of the recent Vienna attack, and identification of the 20-year old Jihadist, Austria has decided to shut down two of the mosques visited by him

Considering the Vienna attack that took place on Monday, where a Jihadist gunman shot down 4 people in the city. Austria shuts down the two mosques visited by the Jihadist frequently. The man was identified as 20-year-old Kujtim Fejzulai, who was killed by police.

This was Austria’s first major attack in decades, Integration Minister Susanne Raab told a press conference that the government’s religious affairs office “was informed by the interior ministry that Monday’s attacker, since his release from prison, had repeatedly visited two Vienna mosques,” due to which Austria shut down those two mosques.

The two mosques are in Vienna’s western suburbs, one called the Melit Ibrahim mosque in the Ottakring district and the other being the Tewhid mosque in the Meidling area. The BVT domestic intelligence agency “told us that the visits to these mosques furthered the attacker’s radicalization,” Raab said. Only one of the mosques was officially registered as such, according to Raab, it was only fair that Austria shut down those two mosques.

The officially recognized Islamic Religious Community of Austria issued a statement where they said that Austria shut down the mosques because one of the registered mosques had broken the rules over religious doctrine and its constitution, as well as national legislation concerning Islamic institutions.

Moreover, the suspected gunman, dual Austrian-Macedonian national Fejzulai, had formerly been convicted for trying to join the militant Islamic State group in Syria. He was a delusional man, and the Austrian government believes that his frequent visits to the mosques only fueled his Jihadist mindset further. Therefore, Austria decided to shut down the two mosques and suspend their anti-terror chief.

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