Burns Road- A heaven for desi foodies

Karachi is the new "City of Foods" leaving behind Lahore. If you don't believe me witness it yourself by visiting the epicenter of all foodies in Karachi: Burns Road, especially in Ramzan. Had you find any single soul in Karachi not…

Iftar aur Sutta!

So yesterday it was first Ramzan and unfortunately didn't get the chance to break my fast at home. So I was at my friend's place at the time of Iftar. The clock ticked 7:10, everyone gathered at the dining table which was full of…

Do Darya will be truly missed

Yes yes yes, you read it right and we are equally sad about it. This is actually going to happen! This Ramzan is going to be the last for the most scenic food street of Karachi. The rumors are true as Do Darya is going to be closed after…