China – The Typical Communist State

Being a communist state, China has a strong hold over its people, and no one has the right to go against the government. But one person did.

China, is a communist state and the government rules over its people. The communist states run on Marxist-Leninist ideology, where the whole country is under the rule of one single entity. In China’s case, it is the Communist Party of China and ruler is known as President Xi Jinping.

Amid the current situation in China due to Coronavirus, things have gone quite astray in the whole country. Around 80,000 people have been tested positive for Coronavirus and more than 2000 people have passed away, According to one of the sources, the virus did spread out from a lab in Wuhan, while some people say otherwise.

Nevertheless, regardless of how it spread out, the government of China was not able to contain the consequences. And to acknowledge this, Ren Zhiqiang, a top executive, called out the President of China. According to China Digital Times, Ren wrote “saw not an emperor standing there exhibiting his ‘new clothes,’ but a clown stripped naked who insisted on continuing being emperor,”


Nevertheless, Ren Zhinqiang is missing since the last few days. According to one of his friends, “Many of our friends are looking for him” and we all are “quite anxious”. On the other hand, the Police and the State Officials have not immediately replied to the issue. Seems like they are taking extra time to solve the case.

China is like a typical communist state, where no one can go against the government and its leadership. If one does, he or she goes missing. And this is what happened this time. Lets hope the executive comes back home safe and soundly.

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