COVID-19 Lock Down in KPK Causes Fall in Pollution

Amid the chaos and panic caused by COVID-19 amongst the people, experts have noted a downturn in the air pollution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK).

Amid the chaos and panic caused by COVID-19 amongst the people, experts have noted a downturn in the air pollution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). In 2016, WHO had named Peshawar as one of the most polluted cities in the world. The province’s Air Quality Index (AQI) has improved since the lock down has been imposed, and is below 50.

Image result for peshawar traffic
Peshawar Traffic Before COVID-19 Lock Down

It has been estimated that usually 700,000 vehicles drive in Peshawar daily. These include 85,000 rickshaws, 325,980 motorcycles, 127,000 vehicles, 5,700 taxis, 263 buses, 1,033 ambulances, and 30,000 other small vehicles.

The trend globally show that regions under COVID-19 lock down are seeing the highest plunges in pollution levels, and KPK is no different.

Dangers of High Pollution Levels

In the past, Peshawar has had an AQI above 100; a higher AQI usually means that the area is polluted. Higher levels of pollution leads to a rise in the number of premature deaths among children under five and adults over 70.

This is usually due to the breathing difficulties in people that are ailed with lung diseases, and causes discomfort amongst people with heart problems. There are also other health issues like irritation in the eye.

Such levels of pollution not only harms the human life, but is damages the environment further. For example, it leads to acid rain – this damages trees and acidifies soils and water bodies, making the water too acidic for fish and other aquatic life.

To read more about AQI, smog and pollution, click here.


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