Creepy Twitter Threads That May Or May Not Be Real

The world is in love with the creepiest of stories that are found in the online world. We love the thrill of knowing that they may be true, that someone somewhere around the world at this moment is going through something that is scientifically unexplainable, a paranormal occurrence has taken place. We have found a few online twitter threads that are scary and maybe true.

  • Dear David:

Dear David is a story told by an illustrator Adam Ellis via Twitter, as he documents a ghost named “Dear David” who supposedly haunts his apartment. It is still not confirmed whether or not it is fictional. His story is scary, thrilling and never wrecking to read, and knowing the fact that this might be real, check out his threads on his twitter here:

  • The Sun Vanished:

The Sun Vanished is a story of our own who has been trapped in another dimension or is trapped in our own world? We do not know, the story seems to be out of an Alternate Reality Game, where the sun has vanished and the planet has been invaded by unfriendly aliens. The story seems more real with the videos provided by the user and we just don’t know whether to believe it to be real or not?

  • Stories That Maybe True: 

This one Twitter account by the name Priscilla has made a thread of some of the creepiest and scary stories that she had once read and it had given her a thread, and safe to say they do not disappoint.

  • Snapchat Creepy Stories:

Snapchat is our source of communication with our friends, where we send our most embarrassing pics, with the weirdest faces we can muster to our friends, knowing that they will vanish in 10 seconds at the most, here’s a few stories that are posted on Reddit Do check these out, you’ll never look at Snapchat the same way again.

That’s all the creepy stories that we have for you today if we missed out on your favourite one do let us know in the comment section below.