Development Of Delinquency


 When we talk about the development of Delinquency, what comes to our mind first?

Delinquency basically means minor crimes that are mostly conducted by people of young age. So have we ever wondered why does it take place? Our society has got a lot to talk about but they actually never paid attention towards this issue. Development of Delinquency is indeed a really big issue of our society and it actually causes destruction amongst the young people. 

Delinquency takes place within a child at an early age, when they are seeking for love, attention and care. So the first primary source of providing them with such demands is their family only. Their family might give them time and attention but sometimes, there comes a time when parents get busy with their lives and they’re not able to make up enough for their child’s requirements. The child then starts feeling left out and there comes a time, when they put themselves in a phase of denial, where they build up their own world and start living in that world only. There is no one as such to guide them whether they are right or wrong.

They might involve themselves in negative activities. So as the child grows up, they join a college or a university and all they care about is, being happy. At that point in life, they believe that their happiness matters the most and nothing else. Since they lack attention at home so they try to fill that space up by spending most of their time with different people and exploring new things. They might end up being involved in negative activities, for example, smoking, having drugs, caring less about studies but caring more about partying, etc. So this actually affects the behavior and attitude of a person very strongly.

 There comes a time when that person finally enters his adulthood, a life where there is nobody with them as such to stand by their side and they have to be independent. But they can’t be an independent person because they depend on their attitude and behavior which itself is now negative. What is more important for an adult after graduation? Their job, obviously. So have we ever wondered how all this issue affects their employed life? That person then becomes the person of his own actions. This is for a fact that if the behavior and attitude of a person is going to be positive and healthy, he’d live a happy life for sure. But how about a person who has had a negative attitude and behavior towards everything?

I’d like to give an example of this scenario. Imagine a person who doesn’t really care what other people feel or think and all they have got to do is caring about their own feelings even if those feeling would lead them towards their own loss. They would leave their job every now and then because they can’t adjust to that formal environment. They would keep on leaving their jobs after every 4 months because of which people would avoid hiring them while keeping this thing in mind if the person is really beneficial for their company or not. So eventually that person wouldn’t have anything to say in order to defend himself and one day he’d finally stay unemployed. Whom would he answer the reason behind him being this way? Whom would he tell how this development of Delinquency took place within him?

 In order to avoid development of delinquency, initially, it’s important for a family to care about their child or the youth who has risk factors. Its crucial for them to connect with their child in order to build a strong relationship. More importantly being caring and supportive towards their child. Parents should be clear about their rules and expectations. It’s necessary to respect a child and in case of holding them accountable, parents should be consistent about it. Parents should focus towards teaching their children behavior management skills and they should stay connected to their child. They should be informed, supportive and present at any given time.