Ebola Outbreak in Uganda Leaves Two Dead

Ebola infected family quietly crossed Congo border and put not only themselves but others around them in danger as well.

Another person dies due to Ebola virus in Uganda according to health ministry on Thursday, after a family exposed to the virus crossed the border from Congo.

Uganda’s health ministry spokesperson confirmed the death of a 50-year-old woman overnight. Her five year old grandson was the first cross border death that happened on Wednesday followed by the death of the grandmother. Her youngest grandson is also affected according to the health ministry.

This Ebola outbreak has caused the World Health Organisation to setup a meeting with experts who can determine whether to declare it as a global health emergency. Ebola has no such treatment up till now and it is contagious as it can quickly spread through bodily fluids and close contact with the infected person. There are 90 percent chances of death if one gets infected with this virus.

Officials did fear that the virus could potentially travel across the border and infected people can spread it which is why the neighbouring countries had been alerted long ago and a thorough screening process took place before crossing border.