Federal & Provincial Government to Work in Concord

The Federal & Provincial Government weren't working together, but now they seem to. Not a bad idea.

Since Coronavirus broke out all across the country, the Sindh took rapid action. They simply put a lockdown all across Sindh, as that was the most they could do. However, Imran Khan was quite against the lockdown, initially. Where on one hand, the Prime Minister was looking out for the business community, on the other hand, the Government of Sindh was looking out for the lives of people. Murad Ali Shah imposed lockdown in Sindh, and that was a good decision. If he wouldn’t have done so, the conditions would have been the same as that of Punjab at the moment.

However, the two governments came to a consensus on 14th April, when Imran Khan agreed to extent the lockdown all over the country. The decision came forward on the day when the lockdown had to end in Sindh. Since the two have come on the same page, CM Sindh Murad Ali Shah said “I am happy that the rest of the provinces decided to implement this. There are exceptions [to the lockdown], but they are calculated ones.”

The two governments had to sit together and talk over this. However, they did not agree on each and everything. They had differences on the opening of construction industries. However, they agreed upon it after Imran Khan explained how it is essential for the EoP after the Agriculture Department.

However, there has been apparent relaxation on lockdown but it has actually become even more stricter.

Attached below are the orders passed by the government.

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