Feel Refreshed in This Heat with Daani Juices

Daani Juices have variety of juices and drinks with multiple flavours to choose from.

Are you a health conscious person or are you craving for some natural fruit juice? No need to go anywhere as all your problems have a single solution. Daani Juice has the perfect options for you with a variety of fruit juices made out of real and organic fruit that come straight from lush green farms. The juice from these fruits is carefully squeezed and packaged into bottles and cans to provide you with the best and highest quality of fruit juices.

Daani juices come in many forms such as bottled juices, canned juices and bottled drinks. Daani does not compromise on taste and quality which is why you will always get the finest drinks and juices of every fruit.

Daani Bottled Juices:

Daani’s bottled juices contain rich flavour of fruits packed with vitamins and all the necessary nutrients required to boost your health. This delicious and lip smacking fruit nectar will leave you craving for more as the taste is heavenly. These bottled juices come in four different flavours which are mango, orange, pomegranate and strawberry.


Daani Float Cans:

Daani Float Cans come in three different flavours such as orange, mango and peach. These thirst quenching juices filled and preserved in a can have a flavour and taste that is unmatchable. Daani Float cans have chunks and pulp of real fruits which make it even more appetizing and irresistible. The taste is even better if consumed while it’s chilled.

Daani Bottled Drinks:

Daani has crafted drinks that are not only light but also refreshing and give you a punch of flavour. In this scorching heat, this is the best option to cool yourself down with a bottle of yummy drink. Tantalize and excite your taste buds with three different flavours of Daani bottled drinks which are litchi, pineapple and strawberry.