Fifty Deaths in Pak & Fifteen Days Lockdown in Sindh

Here is an over view of what has happened in the last fifteen days in all over Pakistan, especially Sindh.

Since 23rd March 2020, lockdown had been imposed in Sindh, on the order given by Chief Minister, Murad Ali Shah. According to the CM “I have no other option but to save the people of Sindh from this epidemic.” And he did. There would have been much more deaths and much more cases, if CM would not have taken this action. Well, since the lockdown had been imposed, people started staying indoors and tried their best to stay put in one place. Slowly and gradually people did start understanding how grave the situation is and what needs to be done.


While in the lockdown, people who had good jobs and businesses, worked from home. While students were forced to take online classes. Seemingly, the world did stop physically but kept on going virtually. The daily wagers were highly effected by this lockdown. There had been several videos circulating over the internet, of how miserable their life was during lockdown. To make their life better, Government announced that it would give each family 3,000 PKR to keep their homes running. The government helped the needy people majorly. Whereas the NGOs working in Pakistan did their small part by providing such people ration that would last month and kept on providing them with food on almost daily basis.

Amid lockdown, 50 people lost their lives in Pakistan. The cases reached to a total amount of 3,520 all over Pakistan with majority coming in from Punjab with 1,684 cases. Followed by Sindh with 932 cases. Now people are coming out of their homes because of restlessness. It is for them to understand, the more restlessness they show, the more they would have to sit in quarantine & lockdown. It is time, to sit at home and pray this ends soon all around the world.

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