Gaza Trying to Survive Israeli Attacks

Gaza, claimed by Palestine, has been under constant treat and attack from the other side of the Israel Gaza border, killing and injuring many.

Palestine and Israel have been under conflict since the Gaza elections in 2005. According to the reports by OCHA, around 5600 people have been killed in Palestine since 1/1/2008. On the contrary, the number of people dead in Israel from the same date is 237. This includes children, adults and women regardless of anything.

On Thursday, air raids took place over Gaza, killing dozens of more Palestinians. According to the Israel, the attacks were to target the Hamas sites, rather than Islamic Jihad Group. This all started when Israel targeted Bahaa Abu al-Ata, Islamic Jihad commander. This became a reason for the Jihadi group to retaliate and launch missiles at Israel. There was a ceasefire between the two, after 34 Palestinians and 0 Israelis died.

The airstrikes have ended the life of many families in Gaza. Eight people of the same family lost their lives in the attacks by the Israel forces. One girl, Noor, recalled the incident saying “I hadn’t been able to sleep that night because of the sound of the drones buzzing in the sky above us. When the first rocket fell next to the house, I ran outside. But I was too scared for my life to manage to wake up anyone else. When I gathered enough courage to return, the whole house had become rubble. I could see my mother underneath it and my dad’s head split and bleeding. But I couldn’t save him.” The poor soul had no idea her mother had passed away.

The stories of Gaza are so heart wrenching, that it feels hurtful even to narrate them. According to UN, if the current situation continues, Gaza will be unlivable by 2020.

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