Ginger: A Better Cure for Cancer

Ginger has a pungent compound which helps in curing cancer without harming other noncancerous cells. It's a revolutionizing discovery.

Ginger is a part of our daily food intake in Pakistan. Our moms or whoever cooks in the house, uses it in almost all dishes. It has become a part of our cuisine and it’s only for our own good.

Benefits of Ginger

The benefits of ginger are many and we can definitely count this herb as a gift from God. Some benefits of consuming ginger are:

  • It can help reduce nausea and morning sickness
  • Reduce muscle pain and soreness
  • Anti-inflammatory properties can help with osteoarthritis
  • It can help in improving heart disease risk factors
  • It can also help in treating chronic indigestion
  • In also helps in improving cholesterol levels

Fights Cancerous Cells

A 2015 study states that ginger has a compound known as 6-shogaol, which is stronger than chemotherapy. This study has tested this pungent compound present in ginger on breast cancer cells. It was successful in eradicating the breast cancer cells. However, it’s not tested on other cells yet. It also mentioned that this compound was effective at levels that were non-toxic for other cells. Unlike chemotherapy, this compound is much safer to use and can be done so without damaging other cells.

Moreover, in chemotherapy there’s no chance of selective cytotoxicity. Selective cytotoxicity means to target specific cells and have the quality of being toxic to them only.The cancer stem cells are responsible for spreading most of the cancers, including breast cancer. These cells are known as ‘mother cells’ and they distribute ‘daughter cells’.

The amazing discovery is that it can become a substitute and help in healing healing without hurt the patient. Chemo becomes harmful as it does more harm than good. Along with the bad cells, it diminishes and damaged the good and noncancerous cells which makes the patients weak internally. Apart from this, after chemo, the patient suffers from after effects which show up after each session, which hinders the patient’s daily life.

If ginger becomes a substitute for chemotherapy then it will revolutionize cancer treatment. We need to do more research and implement it once we find effective results.