Here’s How You Can Get Out of a Bad Mood

Waking up in a funk a little too often, or finding it hard to kick out those bad mood vibes? Look no further, here' how you can get out of a bad mood.

If you’ve woken up in a Funktown where happy vibes are nowhere to be found, here’s how you can use our tried and tested ways to kick that bad mood out.


When you find yourself in a bad mood, just put on your tracksuit, grab your headphones, then get outside. There isn’t much a walk in fresh air can’t fix. Make sure to take deep breaths, take in the scents around you. Feel the air and nature around you, the motion of your body, the sound of your heartbeat.

Call your best friend(s)

There is nothing as therapeutic as venting to your ride or dies when in a bad mood. Let out all the frustrations and then allow them to give you a new perspective whilst helping you realise your worth. If you’re meeting your best friend(s), remember physical contact creates raw connections and is a reliable way to bring you back to some semblance of your good vibe self.


When in a bad mood take a moment to find stillness so that you can give yourself a chance to reset. Even a couple of minutes of mindful breathing, feeling your chest inhale and exhale, can be enough to allow you to think differently and feel calmer.

Treat yourself

If you’re in a bad mood, go out or order your favourite take out meal whether it’s a sandwich or pizza. Relax and watch something on Netflix while you munch away the bad vibes. You could even go out and eat in the open. Savour it. Food tastes better than in closed spaces anyways.


To get rid of that mood give yourself something to look forward to. Close your eyes and manifest your perfect life. Take in every single detail. Live through the day from start to finish.


What better way to light up your mood than scrolling through stan Twitter or your favourite meme pages on Instagram? They say the best antidote to a bad mood is laughter. Minutes later you’ll find yourself out of that bad mood as you laugh hysterically with your best friends after tagging them in all the memes.

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