H&M Making Clothes from Pineapple Leaves and Orange Peels

Don't worry your clothes won't rot

H&M as we know is one of the largest clothing retailers, right behind Inditex – mother company of Zara. It has recently taken the spotlight for producing clothes made of pineapple leaves and orange peels.

Some brands have been known to burn the excess – H&M has come under fire for that themselves previously. 

The global fashion industry produces around 80 billion new garments every year. And as expected, a few billion end up in the waste pile.


However earlier this year H&M announced that their 9th collection for the Conscious line would include clothing pieces made from orange peels and pineapple leaves.

Pineapple leaves can be manufactured into a vegan leather called Piñatex. And orange peels can be manufactured into silk alternatives. Cool right?

Apparently though, these manufacturing processes still fail to address the crucial problem of this fashion industry – heavy use of chemicals and tonnes of water.

According to a press release from H&M, 57 percent of all materials used by H&M group is organic, recycled, or sustain-ably sourced. This increased from 35 percent from just last year. When you look at cotton alone, 95 percent of the cotton used in H&M’s collections is either recycled or sustain-ably sourced. By 2030 they aim to reach to a 100 percent.


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Forever 21: Not so ‘Forever’ anymore?

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