How to Mentally Survive the Newborn Phase

Newborns are actually cute and adorable, although, its the parents only who have to got through a hard time throughout the Newborn phase. Here is how one can survive that!

The first few months of having a baby can be quite hard. There is so much to deal with; from postpartum phase to taking care of a little baby who quite literally depends on you for survival.

Whether it’s your first baby or the 5th, the newborn phase is the hardest. It can be emotionally and physically exhausting and sometimes you’ll find yourself wanting to give up.

To help you mentally survive the newborn phase, we rounded up some tips and tricks that’ll help you out. We understand that every mother is different, and these things might not work for everyone, but it’s worth trying, right? So, how can you survive this phase without having a mental breakdown? Here are our thoughts:

Work On the Sleep

Newborns wake up several times during the night out of hunger, which is something you can’t avoid.

However, what you can do is help them develop good sleeping habits from the start so that they transition naturally into their schedule as they grow up. Sleep is important for both you and your baby and when you’re well rested, things just get easier for you.

Mother Studying Sleeping Infant Son’s Hand
Start Out What You Can Hold Out

This is the best advice for all new mom’s out there. What does it mean? Don’t start doing things you don’t plan on continue doing. For example, if you find yourself doing crazy things to settle down your newborn baby then that is going to come and bite you in the back. Your kid will get used to this and won’t calm down otherwise. If you’re doing this now then it’s time to step back and find something that’ll be easier to hold out.

Put a Foot on Those Emotions

Having a baby that cries after every 2 hours while dealing with postpartum depression can put you on an emotional roller coaster ride. On top of that, your older kids will start behaving differently because of the new member in the house which can sometimes push you to the edge. You’ll find yourself feeling angry, sad, lonely and frustrated. Don’t just ignore all these emotions, talk to someone and take out some time for yourself to relax.

“You” Time is Important

If it’s your first child then you can nap when the baby naps. However, if you already have kids then it’ll be super hard for you to get some time for yourself since everyone needs attention. Try to make a schedule and squeeze in time for yourself so that you can unwind and recharge.

Let Your Husband Help

When your motherly instincts kick in, you’ll want to do everything for your baby on your own without asking for any sort of help. Taking care of a baby is not only the mother job, so let your husband help. Make him help you out in changing diapers, looking after the baby while you take a power nap or even just play with the older kids while you nurse the newborn.

It’s the little things that make a difference, so if you’re struggling with a newborn then definitely keep these tips in mind. And for all those moms-to-be out there, good luck and remember to cherish every moment because before you know it they’ll be all grown up.



Maria Sadiq


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