Imran Khan Gives Interview Against Trump & Nails Down Western Media

Donald Trump’s war of words has definitely left the entire world awe-struck. His immense hatred for Muslims, especially Pakistanis has left us boggled as to what we have actually done against him. Recently, he passed a statement declaring that all Muslims are terrorist and Pakistani is the butt-load of terrorism. We couldn’t agree at all with him, but yet no one came out to defend the repute of their country too. But, Khan’s over-active nerves never let him sit in peace.

He was interviews by CNN, after the Trump case, and there is no doubt that he nailed West in their own home ground:

Khan said that Pakistan, a country who collaborated with USA after 9/11 in war on terror, ended up in losing about more than 70,000 people and over a hundred billion dollars to the economy.

“After giving so much sacrifices and hearing that Pakistan has done nothing to stop terrorism is painful and humiliating for all the Pakistanis.

In his message to Donald Trump, he further stated that the US policy regarding Afghanistan is flop and advised him to change it by engaging the neighbours; China, Russia and Iran. He reiterated US should also leave Afghanistan because as long as they are in the country they will continue to create problems.

Khan, when asked about his resolve about becoming the future Prime Minister of Pakistan, said that he has been trained as a sportsman and is optimistic that finally his time has come.

Regardless of the political views that everyone of us hold, Imran Khan has debated to the erroneous and failed debate of Trump in a much sensible view. People like Trump need to be told the truth and shown their true face of oppression and extreme perturbed reality.