Is Edhi Culminating Services?

Edhi has been providing services, since quite a long time. But now they are ending it now due to encroachment. Are they factual over this?

From a small dispensary to providing services all across Pakistan, there was not even one social service that Edhi wasn’t known for philanthropically. Their services ranging from ambulances to foster homes to small cradles, Edhi was wherever you needed it to be. To facilitate people in the least possible time, they had installed small cabins almost everywhere all around Karachi. The intention was to be spread all across the city to save as much people as possible, where due to their valuable services, people were quite attached to what Edhi was doing around, emotionally.

Recently, government initiated an encroachment program, where they were clearing footpaths and removing all illegally constructed buildings, and under them lied the Edhi cabins too. When they were removed, Edhi announced that it won’t provide its service in Karachi, and people were quite furious over this action taken by the government. According to them, Edhi should have been spared, regardless of the fact that their cabins were installed illegally.

What will happen now is quite uncertain, but Edhi would need a lot of money to rebuild all those cabins once again, and that would require time, too. Although, there are other services like Chippa & Aman active in Karachi, but Edhi, being 77 years old organization, had made a great impact on people’s life. Its yet to see what this results in.