It’s A Food Feast!

If you’re an immense foodie like us, and you love to scroll through the bar of your newsfeed until you find those delicious little food videos that make your mouth salivate in hunger, then we have just the Pakistani Food Vlogger for you.

Meet our very own Mubashir Sadique who is a man of himself and needs no comparison, for his videos, are full of colourful and fresh ingredients that attract you in and glues your eyes to the screen in anticipation of what is to come., the best part about his videos is that he makes all his dishes outside, in front of the nature that brings about a unique and an intimate atmosphere to the whole show. Muahsir Sadique who is a 33-year-old man, never once thought about using the platform for money, he just wanted to present to the world to his breathtaking recipes, his secret ingredient is his family’s secret recipe. He started his first Vlog from a cellphone camera.

Mubashir wants to bring about a new version of his village to Pakistan and to the world, and he definitely isn’t doing a bad thing, in fact, we want more of this content and are willing to binge watch all of his videos. Everything he does so online, in front of the audience, the slaughtering of the animal, the cutting of it and all, the man has been given from all over the world and people have appreciated him in his work and the food that he puts out.

His Youtube is Village Food Secrets, go subscribe to him if you haven’t you’re missing out on some really good desi food people.