Karachi, Rain & Distress.

Being a metropolitan city, Karachi should have been stable enough to control the water drainage situations after it rained heavily. But it was quite the opposite of how it should have been.

On 30th and 31st July, Karachi entered into its initial monsoon phase, which the city much needed as the water levels were deteriorating and people were quite sick of the hot weather. When rain came pouring down, for the first few hours Karachittes were amazed and happy. But then, what they had to go through was none less than a shameful, unorganized and dismaying behavior coming from Provincial Government, K-Electric and the Government of Pakistan.

Since then, Korangi crossing has been a face of distress for the people commuting through that road, as the water has crossed its boundaries and has now blocked the road. Moreover, Karachi faced an electric breakdown all across as rain started to pour down, making communication and living harsher, as not everyone can afford a generator, duh! There were places where there was no electricity for around 2.5-3 days and no one was there to question it. No drainage, no rescue services, no lookout for broken electric wires, the rain only brought havoc to the city. Apart from that, Stormfibre, a renowned internet provider, dug up roads in Federal B Area, and never filled them back, due to which many people suffered as their cars were stuck in the unfilled sides of the road. For this, either KMC is responsible or Stormfibre, but whoever is, should be taking up their job sincerely.

Another spell of rain is just around the corner and it has been predicted few days ago. Last spell should have taught our politicians a lesson, but it doesn’t seem like theyre doing anything yet to take precautions for the next spell of rain. Not only time but human lives have been lost in the last rainfall and if no such precautions are taken there might be more loss the next time it rains in Karachi.

We pray, because only that’s what one can do, that our responsible organizations take a step forward to save the city in the moment of distress the next time.