Mahira Khan Calls Out Khalil ur Rehman

Mahira Khan calls out Khalil ur Rehman for his outrageous behaviour and says that "I am shocked at what I have just heard and seen! Sick to the core."

Mahira Khan has spoken up against Khalil ur Rehman Qamar over last night’s talk show where he showed his true self. Khalil ur Rehman lashed out at Marvi Sirmed during a live talk show. He told the nation how he thinks and treats his fellows by misbehaving on national television. His hatred for women and misogynistic views spilled out and ever since last night, the nation has been torn and picking sides.

What happened last night shouldn’t have happened. There’s a way to convey your message in a sane and civil manner, but the extent he went to can be deemed as vile. The fact that people are supporting Khalil ur Rehman is quite shocking for me as they think it’s okay for him to speak to anyone like that. His fans are saying that he was provoked and hence replied with an outrage. The majority of his supporters are men, and you’ll be shocked to find out that a small chunk of women are also supporting him.

Mahira Khan called him out for his misogynistic views in a tweet saying:

“I am shocked at what I have just heard and seen!! Sick to the core. This same man who abused a woman on tv is revered and given project after project because of what? We are as much to blame if not more for perpetuating this thinking! #khalilurrehmanqamar

The sad part is that a lot of people on the internet are supporting him. People don’t understand that he’s disrespecting someone and they’re okay with him misbehaving. The situation was obviously not controlled by the host and he spewed some very disturbing comments which were quite personal. I don’t understand why people are still watching his dramas that are totally filled with garbage. His scripts reflect his thoughts and I think it’s high time that we should stop taking any BS from people like him.

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